Friday, 11 November 2011

For Women: What One-Night Stands Show About You

The chances are, if you're reading this, you will have some experience of the matter of one-night stands.
You know the story: boy meets girl at nightclub after lots of drinks, boy takes girl home, they have sex, and never see each other again afterwards.

The reasons for girls' one-nights stands might be myriad and varied; from a quick confidence boost to trying to get over your ex.

But how would you feel about the odd one-night stand if you knew some of these facts?

- Studies have shown that men's standards for the girls they have one-night stands (scientifically known as short-term mating) are SIGNIFICANTLY lower than the standards they'd have when seeking a longer term partner. Having a good long look at yourself now?!
-For example, men don't care as much if their victim for the night has a reputation for promiscuity, has mental health issues or is even as attractive as they'd normally like. They also don't mind if you're not a nice person. So for all of you girls feeling victorious for snaring that hot guy last night, it probably wasn't because of your personality.

This post isn't to make all you promiscuous girls out there feel bad about yourselves. But maybe to make you re-think the guy's agendas.